Friday, July 23, 2010

MJ Sale

Matilda Jane is one of my favorite brands for the girls. Funky, washes well, mix and match and unique. Pretty much love all of it, except the prices. Nothing extraordinary, but when they ever had a sale, first 40% off and then 65%, I jumped and was able to get both girls some super cute things for the fall. Here is just a small amount of Avery's things.Posted by Picasa

Point Sebago

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Tristan Monkey Joyce

Seriously, I think there is not much out there that Tristan can't do. He continues to amaze me with his athletic abilities, whether it's swimming, soccer, hockey, and now rock-climbing, he always seems to perform way beyond his years. He said he wanted to try the rock wall, so we said go for it. And go he did, all the way up to the top so he could ring the bell, and then down he came. Posted by Picasa

Bamboo Shoots

Bamboo shoots is the log flume ride. You can see from the pictures that 2 out of the 3 Joyce family members enjoyed the ride.Posted by Picasa


Storyland- what is there to say besides every toddler/preschooler has to get here at least once. So many things for the kids to do and this year, Tristan and Avery really enjoyed it. Posted by Picasa

Glen Ellis Falls

We headed up for a week at Bump's lakehouse in Maine. Glen Ellis is a perfect hike to do with kids. The falls are pretty amazing and the hike is a moderate incline but not long. Last time we did this hike as a family, Avery was on my back and Sage was in my belly. Time flies!!Posted by Picasa

Stone Zoo

And back to an old favorite of ours, the Stone Zoo. Tristan and Avery could easily lead a tour group through the zoo- complete with animal descriptions.Posted by Picasa

Ice Cream Love

Nothing says summer - like homeade farm stand ice cream.
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Concert on the Common

We all piled in the car to check out the local music at the common. Beautiful night, clear skies, warm temperatures, but no musician. Eventually, we found out that the musician had moved to an indoor location because there had been a threat of rain. We ended up catching the tail end of the performance and the kids loved it.Posted by Picasa

Just Chillin

Kids relaxing after a nice long day at the beach.Posted by Picasa

Sage and Daddy

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