Sunday, December 5, 2010


Now if you know me, you know that I like to pick out my kids clothes. Well it just so happens that the day before Thanksgiving my grandmother showed up with a red cowboy hat for Avery. So naturally she decided on Thanksgiving she needed to be a cowboy. This meant no pretty lacey shirt to match her sister and she threw a huge fit over wearing her cowboy dress and hat and boots. So at first I was determined for her to wear the nice matching outfit that I had taken time picking out and matching the night before. Then I started thinking, is it really going to hurt anyone for her to dress like a cowboy on Thanksgiving? I mean, shouldn't I be thankful that I have a happy, healthy daughter that is alive and with me and so what if she wants to be a cowgirl. So here I present cowgirl Avery with her clashing red cowboy hat and pink cowboy boots :) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I love it! I think she looks super cute. Brody varies between his cowboy hat/boots and wanting to wear Keira's tights because he thinks they look like hockey pants. Miss you guys!!!