Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Avery

Avery's birthday falls on New Year's Eve which will probably be great when she is older but for now, we always are trying to figure out the best time to celebrate. This year we opted for a combined party at the end of January. We rented out the perfect little playcenter for the event. Everyone had a great time, especially the birthday girl.
Avery is now 3, she weighs in at 30 pounds and 36 3/4 inches. She is totally hilarious and has a personality all her own. She is constantly talking and knows exactly what she wants and how to get it. She goes to school 2 mornings a week and absolutely loves it. She looks forward to going and would probably be happy if she could stay for lunch like her brother. She has been potty trained since before the summer and loves to get dressed by herself. Both Tristan and Avery have a love for pajamas and insist on changing into pajamas every time we come step foot in the house. She continues to love to eat and will try anything once. She loves to shop as long as she doesn't have to sit in a cart and still takes her beloved Kiki (blanket) everywhere with her. She is super loveable, freely giving hugs and kisses. She has become even more independent over the last year and can stand her ground with the best of them. My first daughter, with blond curls, big blue eyes and a fiesty streak, couldn't be anymore perfect.Posted by Picasa

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